
This is where I'll display a number of poems I've written. Unlike the Fiction section, I'll not list the different ones by title, but Ill group them by genre. Since my poems are much shorter than my stories, each genre will display all of the poems I've written for that genre.

Free Verse - This style has very little rhyme or reason to it. It can rhyme or not. It can have a rhythm or not. It can be about anything. There are no rules.

Haiku - Haikus are very well known for their strict rules of only three lines fitting the 5 syllable, 7 syllable, 5 syllable rythm. They tend to be a tad tricky for beginner poets.

Triolet - this type has a very specific rhyme scheme. Line A. Line B. Line C rhymes with A. Line A again. Line D rhymes with A. Line E rhymes with B. Line A again. Line B again. Anything that breaks this rhyme scheme crosses over from triolet into free verse.